w e ' v e e a r n e d o u r c o l o u r s
Credit application and Terms & Conditions
Kindly contact our Sales representatives for MBSA's Credit App & Terms
Credit Guarantee (CGIC) Privacy Policy
As required by the Protection of Personal Information Act No 4 of 2013, we advise that Personal Information (as defined in the Act) supplied by you to Masterbatch SA (Pty) Ltd (MBSA) in the context of MBSA's Credit and Sales Terms, shall be shared with Credit Guarantee Insurance Corporation of Africa Limited ("CGIC"), a licensed non-life insurer, in terms of MBSA's trade-credit insurance policy with them.
Credit Guarantee uses TSL on its server for all outgoing emails to ensure communications remain secure and CGIC complies with the POPIA requirements.
CGIC will process this personal information for underwriting, policy administration, claims management and related insurance purposes. For further information about how CGIC processes your personal information please refer to their Privacy Notice, available under the Privacy section on their website www.creditguarantee.co.za.
f you would like to: access, correct, amend or delete any personal information we have about you, you are invited to send us an email to: informationofficer@masterbatch.co.za